Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Assalamualaikum everyone,

Apa khabar semua yang masih dikurniakan nikmat untuk menyedut udara segar di atas muka bumi ciptaan Allah ini? Harap each and every people here Alhamdulillah sihat selalu dan jika anda diluar sana tidak berapa nak sihat, ingat yang setiap penyakit yang Allah turun kepada kita ada hikmah disebalik itu.

So as for today, just to share what sort of feeling I am having. Do you ever felt any regret, out of place (mind), sad or just felt this kind of loneliness inside of you that you yourself could even describe? Well I do. But then I realize that there is one that always be there for you no matter how bitter your life are which is Allah s.w.t. Since the start of the new semester (Semester II, 2012/2013), I am a bit unhappy cause this year (2013), I won’t be celebrating my 22nd birthday with one of my favourite and supportive man but Yaya redha that although you had left me sad and lonely, your departure to meet your creator had made me in becoming a strong girl that will face this world with braveness, courage, determination and love.  Aki, how I wish you still be here, beside me , see me graduate, having my own life, getting married in the future and etc..But I do realize that Allah takes you back so that you are not in pain anymore with the disease or illness you face last year...Times do play it roles in people’s life. That is why the word “TIME IS PRECIOUS, APPRECIATE TIME WHILE YOU STILL CAN MANAGE”.

I’ve missed each and every day that we went through; from I was a little girl till I am grown lady. I missed when we share the same similarities of watching old movies such as P.Ramlee’s old movies. I am happy when each time I came back from my lectures; you will ask me to open up my laptop to watch P.Ramlee’s old movies. Ohhh, how times flies and move on with its fast pace. I am blessed of having you as my great and wonderful Aki. I still remember the last conversation we’ve had before your passing such as how you hope that I will finish my studies and graduate and become what I’ve wanted to be in the future. Other than that, you hope that I will find someone that loves me as much as you love me and takes a good care as much as you do.  Aki, I surely hope and pray that the guy that will later paint my life such as what you and Abah had been painting my life with your love, courage and support, In Sya Allah. I hope “you” out there, accept my pro and con’s, flaws and character cause sometimes I can be a bit happy, funny, crazy, sad, sometimes can easily become sulky, manja( I think) which only my families know what type of person I really am.

I think that is all for today. Thank you so much who ever read this mixed/ rojak writing. Lastly, just wanted to remind you that to love and taking a good care of your loved ones is very important because you will never know when they will leave you or vice versa. Appreciate and love them as how they had loved you and support your life.



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